Symbiotic adaptive
VR GYM game
No Processes Visualization
in Gyms
This solution prevents choosing an incorrect workout program, overexertion during the workout session or equipment fall
The fitness machine is equipped with a programmable servomotor having automated load decrease and user personal data recording
Minimum Risk of Injuries
Better Workouts Efficiency
Visualization of muscles work allows to activate the muscles not involved before, therefore to increase the workout session efficiency
Based on digital characteristics, Adaptik can generate a virtual model of the user’s muscles and determine the working efficiency of different muscle groups
Worldwide Available
The platform provides international virtual competitions regardless of participants location

The social networking service enables to book the fitness machine online, find like-minded people, share results and specialists lists, submit reviews and ratings

The gym may be located in any place due to absence of free weights and noise caused by their fall

Based on the collected data,
the fitness machine program allows to create a human digital image and track indicators of an exercise performed
The digitization key point - workout session analytics
Digitization of Human Physiological
Processes on the Fitness Machine
Adaptive Digital Fitness Machine
Visualization of work in VR mode
Heart rate - 139 bpm
Load - 19.1 kg
Muscle tension - 75%
Adjustable variable load for lifting and lowering

The software allows to determine movement phases and provide different load on different phases
Professional Services
The project includes involvement of coaches and doctors to prepare workout programs
Monetization by means of consultations and programs sale
Social Networking Service
Audience monetization at the account of advertisement, paid functions and virtual competitions
VR Game
Monetization at the account of game sale, subscription to virtual gym access and in-game purchases
Business Model
Adaptik - 5% of total quantity
Game framework
Innovation followers
Disabled people
Audience Coverage by 2030
Pump Digits and Iron!
Andrei Kroshikhin
+7(912)722-54-87 - WA, Telegram